
Early foreign language learning and teaching : evidence versus wishful thinking

edited by Marianne Nikolov and Stela Letica Krevelj ; : hardback. -- Multilingual Matters, 2024. -- (Second language acquisition / series editor, David Singleton ; 168). <BB40305907>

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0001 : hardback 中宮図 2F一般洋書 807/N73 0005216514 図書 貸出可 0件
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巻号 : hardback
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標題および責任表示 Early foreign language learning and teaching : evidence versus wishful thinking / edited by Marianne Nikolov and Stela Letica Krevelj
出版・頒布事項 Bristol : Multilingual Matters , [2025]
出版・頒布事項 著作権日付 (copyright notice date) , c2025
形態事項 xxix, 330 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
巻次等 : hardback
ISBN 9781800418691
書誌構造リンク Second language acquisition / series editor, David Singleton <BB40010781> 168//a
内容著作注記 Enriching the tapestry of early foreign language learning and teaching : a preface / Stela Letica Krevelj and Marianne Nikolov
内容著作注記 Learners can be applied to children, teachers and all stakeholders / Richard Johnstone in conversation with Marianne Nikolov
内容著作注記 On how one would teach English to a Dalmatian dog / Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović in conversation with Stela Letica Krevelj
内容著作注記 Innovations in research on and with young learners / Annamaria Pinter
内容著作注記 The use of verbal report to describe strategies used by young language learners / Andrew D. Cohen
内容著作注記 Verbal reports as an instructional tool for young second language learners : an intervention study / Yuko Goto Butler
内容著作注記 Upper primary school learners' interaction in face-to-face and instant messaging modalities : a focus on metatask and metalanguage episodes / Anna Vallbona and Elsa Tragant
内容著作注記 Translanguaging and meaning making in young learners' EFL classes in Israel / Rivi Carmel and Marianne Nikolov
内容著作注記 Young learners' L2 vocabulary acquisition through extensive viewing / Carmen Muñoz, Daniela Avello and Geòrgia Pujadas
内容著作注記 Culture-related vocabulary in textbooks for young learners of English / Gloria Vickov and Eva Jakupčević
内容著作注記 Natural Semantic Metalanguage : a bridge between languages in the multilingual classroom / Katalin Fenyvesi and Pia Suk Jensen
内容著作注記 Early language oracy development : challenges from research in multilingual contexts / Lucilla Lopriore
内容著作注記 Children's voices on starting English at the primary vs. pre-primary level / Mirna Erk
内容著作注記 'Why do you learn Spanish?' 'To play in La Liga' : attitudes and motivation of young learners of Spanish in Croatia / Andrea-Beata Jelić
内容著作注記 'I didn't know such a thing existed' : Young adults' early encounters with literature and the meanings they attach to them / Réka Lugossy
内容著作注記 Looking back to look forward : approaches to young foreign language learners' assessment in Croatia / Vesna Bagarić Medve and Višnja Pavičić Takač
内容著作注記 EFL teachers' perspectives on and practices in assessing young learners in Serbia / Vera Savić and Danijela Prošić-Santovac
内容著作注記 The role of aptitude in young learners' success : domain-general or domain-specific analytic abilities? / Jasenka Čengić
内容著作注記 Primary school L2 learning : the general empirical picture and specific policy issues in the Irish context / Colin J. Flynn and David Singleton
内容著作注記 A case study on family language policy of China in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area / Jing Peng and Xuan Huang
注記 Content Type: text (ncrcontent), Media Type: unmediated (ncrmedia), Carrier Type: volume (ncrcarrier)
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
注記 Summary:"The chapters in this book bring together key figures and fresh voices from the field of teaching modern foreign languages (MFL) to young children to present a state-of-the-art volume on the topic. The authors address key questions about young learner MFL development and capture the reality of such development in the context of a globalized world"-- Provided by publisher.
学情ID BD10551108
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Nikolov, Marianne <AU20091859> editor
著者標目リンク Letica Krevelj, Stela, 1977- <AU20091860> editor
分類標目 LCC:LB1578
分類標目 LCC:P118.2
分類標目 DC23:372.65
分類標目 DC23:418.0071
件名標目等 Languages, Modern -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Foreign speakers
件名標目等 Languages, Modern -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Foreign speakers
件名標目等 English language -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Foreign speakers
件名標目等 English language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Foreign speakers
件名標目等 Second language acquisition