
On the weapons, army organisation, and political maxims of the ancient Hindus : with special reference to gunpowder and firearms

by Gustav Oppert. -- New Order Book, 1967. <BB00072689>

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標題および責任表示 On the weapons, army organisation, and political maxims of the ancient Hindus : with special reference to gunpowder and firearms / by Gustav Oppert
出版・頒布事項 Ahmedabad : New Order Book , 1967
形態事項 vi, 162 p ; 23 cm
注記 Reprint of 1880 ed
注記 Extracts from Valśaṃpāyana's Nītiprakāśikā and Śukranīti insert
注記 Albrecht Weber's notes on the Nītiprakāśikā and Śukranīti inserted
注記 Bibliographical footnotes
学情ID BA29122648
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Oppert, Gustav Salomon, 1836-1908 <AU10072908>
著者標目リンク Varmā, Lakshmīkānta, 1922- <AU10097149>
著者標目リンク Śukra <AU10087905>
著者標目リンク Weber, Albrecht, 1825-1901 <AU10039897>
分類標目 LCC:U31
件名標目等 India -- History, Military