
Tales from the Basotho

[compiled by] Minnie Postma ; translated from Afrikaans by Susie McDermid ; analytical notes, tale type and motif indexes by John M. Vlach. -- Published for the American Folklore Society by the University of Texas Press, 1974. -- (Publications of the American Folklore Society . Memoir series ; v. 59). <BB00064184>

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標題および責任表示 Tales from the Basotho / [compiled by] Minnie Postma ; translated from Afrikaans by Susie McDermid ; analytical notes, tale type and motif indexes by John M. Vlach
出版・頒布事項 Austin : Published for the American Folklore Society by the University of Texas Press , c1974
形態事項 xxv, 177 p : illus ; 22 cm
ISBN 0292746083
書誌構造リンク Publications of the American Folklore Society <BB00034180> . Memoir series ; v. 59//a
その他の標題 原タイトル:Litšōmo
内容著作注記 The giant bird Mothemelle
内容著作注記 Wolf and jackal and the beautiful girl
内容著作注記 The outcast
内容著作注記 Fenya-fenyane
内容著作注記 Hen, Hawk, and the needle
内容著作注記 Roaqo, the woman who ate people
内容著作注記 Tortoise and Dove
内容著作注記 The guilty woman
内容著作注記 Monyohe, the great snake of the deep waters
内容著作注記 Maliane and the water snake
内容著作注記 Molaetsane
内容著作注記 Obe, the monster of the dark canyon
内容著作注記 The dove, the heron, and jackal
内容著作注記 The mother-in-law and the clear water
内容著作注記 The milk tree
内容著作注記 Jackal and hen
内容著作注記 The whirlwind and the land of the half-men
内容著作注記 Nanabolele, who shines in the night
内容著作注記 Sheep and baboon
内容著作注記 The woman with the big thumbnail
内容著作注記 Tsananapa
内容著作注記 Masilo, Masilonyane, and the old woman
内容著作注記 The bride of Chief Bulane
内容著作注記 Bibliography: p. [175]-177
注記 Translation of: Litšōmo
学情ID BA26695604
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Postma, Minnie <AU10100622> comp
著者標目リンク McDermid, Susie <AU10100623> tr
分類標目 LCC:GR360.B3
分類標目 DC:398.2/0968/6
件名標目等 Tales -- Lesotho
件名標目等 Sotho (African people) -- Folklore