
Slips of the tongue and language production

edited by Anne Cutler ; pbk.. -- Mouton Publishers, 1982. <BB00021066>

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0001 pbk. 中宮図 2F一般洋書 801.04/C98s 0000068796 図書 貸出可 0件
No. 0001
巻号 pbk.
所蔵館 中宮図
配置場所 2F一般洋書
請求記号 801.04/C98s
資料ID 0000068796
資料形態 図書
禁帯出区分 貸出可
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標題および責任表示 Slips of the tongue and language production / edited by Anne Cutler
出版・頒布事項 Berlin ; New York : Mouton Publishers , c1982
形態事項 293 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
巻次等 pbk.
ISBN 9027931208
内容著作注記 Guest editorial : the reliability of speech error data / Anne Cutler
内容著作注記 Linguistics and language error / Manfred Bierwisch
内容著作注記 Speech errors : old data in search of new theories / Brian Butterworth
内容著作注記 Syllables and segments in speech production / Andrew Crompton
内容著作注記 Substitutions and splices / David Fay
内容著作注記 Lexical storage and retrieval / Jean Aitchison and Miron Straf
内容著作注記 The psychological reality of deep and surface phonological representations / Paul Meara and Andrew W. Ellis
内容著作注記 Slips of the tongue in the London-Lund corpus of spontaneous conversation / Alan Garnham ... [et al.]
内容著作注記 Errors in linguistic performance edited by V. Fromkin / Carol A. Fowler
注記 "First in an occasional series of special issues of Linguistics"--Pref
注記 Pages also numbered 562-847
注記 Includes bibliographical references and indexes
学情ID BA06817866
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Cutler, Anne <AU10069218>
統一書名標目リンク Linguistics. Special number <>
分類標目 LCC:P37.5.S67
分類標目 DC19:401/.9
件名標目等 Speech errors -- Addresses, essays, lectures