Kansai Gaidai University Library and Media Center


アクセル・ハッケ著 ; 高島浩訳. -- 三修社, 2006. <BB40058181>

HoldingsList 1-2 of about 2

No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Material format In-Lib only Status Due Date Reservation virtual shelf
0001 Nakamiya 3F Books in JPN 944/H11 0003361463 Book borrowable 0items
0002 Nakamiya 3F Recommended books 944/H11 1001476286 Book borrowable 0items
No. 0001
Library Nakamiya
Location 3F Books in JPN
Call No 944/H11
Material ID 0003361463
Material format Book
In-Lib only borrowable
Due Date
Reservation 0items
virtual shelf
No. 0002
Library Nakamiya
Location 3F Recommended books
Call No 944/H11
Material ID 1001476286
Material format Book
In-Lib only borrowable
Due Date
Reservation 0items
virtual shelf

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area ドイツのアルバム / アクセル・ハッケ著 ; 高島浩訳
ドイツ ノ アルバム
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 三修社 , 2006.4
physical description area 259p ; 19cm
Volume Information
ISBN 4384040687
variant titles 原タイトル:Deutschlandalbum
note Deutschlandalbumの抄訳
NCID BA77122332
text language code Japanese
author link Hacke, Axel, 1956- <AU10110448>
author link 高嶋, 浩(1931-)||タカシマ, ヒロシ <AU20019691>
classification Essays. Prose NDC8:944